Tag Archives: Tire

What’s in a name?

I’ve gotten a surprisingly large number of inquiries about where I got the name for my blog.  Apparently no 80’s babies or Crossfitters are reading.

One of the great movies of ‘my time’ (my awesome, super cool, never replicated time), was Adventures in Babysitting.  Cheesy, funny, totally 80’s kind of kid filled movie. Lots of twists and turns and never knowing what might happen next. A lot like this path I’m on.  Check it out if you never have.

The tire flipping portion is a little more of a story.

I’ve been Crossfitting off and on for about three years now.  From the moment I started, the one thing I’ve looked forward to doing, is flipping that big ol’ tire.  In three years, I didn’t get to flip one stinkin’ tire.  

Not one.  

I’m not sure why this part of it all appealed to me so much, but it was the brass ring for me so to speak. I watched it happen around me. My wife got to flip it. The big ones, the smaller ones. The new ones, the old ratty ones. I’d have to listen to everyone’s glorious stories about flipping tires and popping achilles tendons and, regardless, how great that damned tire was.

I work weekends, so I’d miss all of the Team tire flipping. Lots of flipping going on, but none for me.

Fast forward to four weeks ago.  I was in the third week of my new program.  As you walk into the front door of my training studio, if you look to your left, there it is.  

The big ol’ tire.  

I’ve seen you tire.  

I noticed you right away.

Still unsure if it would ever by my turn to flip you. You know. Back and forth. Over and over.

Then it happened. I showed up, and you were outside. Flat on your side in all of your black, rubbery goodness.

I still wasn’t sure if I’d get to use you, but, mid workout, I got the word.

“Go flip that shit”


And I did. For two rounds. I flipped that shit. It was heavy, and awesome. Everything I had built up in my mind.

So, desire fulfilled.

A total bonus in my workout, and complete satisfaction.

And there you have the ‘Tire Flipping’ part of the name of this blog.

So, go watch that great movie, and flip something big, round, black and made of rubber.

That’s shaped like a tire.