What are you out to prove?

I was recently asked a question that surprised me. It surprised me because it brought something out that I hadn’t really thought of. It also pissed me off because of the rude delivery, but hey, I got something out of it. A blog post. So touché’.

It was unexpected because I hadn’t asked myself the question:

“What are you out to prove anyway?”

The question was preceded by “How much weight have you lost on this ‘program’?” When I responded with what I’ve lost (40 some odd pounds thank you very much), the bounce back question was:

“So was that your goal? Why would you want to lose any more?”

Bitch please.

First off, where I’m at, isn’t my goal. Ironically, I haven’t set one. I’ll post on that next week.

Secondly, someone ELSE’s idea of what I should be satisfied with has no influence whatsoever on where I’m going or how much farther I will go.

Being over the one sided conversation and glaring that I was getting at that point, I just responded that I was still working on what I wanted to work towards and I wasn’t sure how much farther I’d go. With a ‘You’re crazy’, she turned and left. But she left me with a great question.

What AM I out to prove?

So much. More then I realized. My end answer is, ‘What ISNT there to prove?’

I’m proving to myself that I can succeed in something that I consider harder then anything I’ve ever done.

Consistency. I’m proving to myself that I can overcome the patterns that I know exist in myself. Boredom, the sixty day sack (two months always seems to be the tell for me in regards to whether I’m sticking to something or if I’m over it). Creating a life altering pattern instead of just running with a trend.

Kicking excuses. Now, I’m not a big excuse person, but, I am human. I have moments when I’m tired, not feeling it, have other options/choices, and those things bring me internal struggle just like everyone else. So I work to prove to myself that I can continue to overcome those things.

My body. I’m out to prove so much when it comes to my body. That everyone who said “Well, that’s just how your body is”, was wrong. To myself, in the moments when I accepted that; that I was wrong. To prove that I have control over my shape, my health and my fitness levels. All of it.

There are so many other things, and really, aren’t we all, always trying to prove something? If not to others, to ourselves.

So what are you trying to prove?

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